Brochure on KNX home and building control
On nearly 90 pages, you will find practical solution examples around KNX home and building control that are worth knowing.
ETS example 2: Lighting control with KNX and DALI
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DALI and KNX: constant lighting conditions implemented across systems
We all sense temperature differently. Similarly, we all sense brightness differently: Too bright or too dark are elastic terms, and are understood in a different way by each individual.
However, we all know that light is an important asset. For several years, a growing number of experts has pointed out the health aspects of poor lighting, in numerous studies.
The challenge has been clearly defined: On the one hand, it is important to save energy and to lower CO2 emissions. On the other hand, we want to permanently create good lighting conditions, under which people can work in a focussed manner without health burden. Theben offers you the appropriate solution.
Energy saving interplay of two open standards for brightness control: DALI and KNX
Whether open-plan offices, classrooms, or seminar rooms: Near the window it is bright, while it is darker inside the room. Dusk and dawn, or rainy weather increase the effect. KNX building automation with constant lighting control ensures homogenous and energy efficient lighting conditions, which incorporates the DALI lighting control.
For this, Theben provides the two critical components: thePrema P360 KNX presence detectors, which optimally cover large rooms, thanks to their large and square detection area, and the DALI Gateway KNX, which forwards the KNX telegrams from the presence detectors to the DALI participants.
With the three directed light measurements, the brightness situation is exactly determined by thePrema P360 KNX. In this way, it is possible to implement a separate constant light control for each of the two groups of lights. The large saving potential: Thanks to the square detection area, less presence detectors usually cover the rooms better. This saves time and money for devices, installation and programming. Due to the exact light measurement and the corresponding lighting control via DALI Gateway KNX, highest energy efficiency is preprogrammed.
With the DALI Gateway KNX, 64 DALI participants can be divided into up to 16 group of lights. Between the lamps and the KNX building automation, information is exchanged bidirectionally. The advantage: The lamps cannot only be controlled, but failures of the EBs or lamps can be displayed in the KNX visualisation theServa.
Benefits at a glance
1. High detection quality
- The presence detectors thePrema P KNX and theRonda P KNX feature four, partly overlapping, passive infrared sensors. The overlapping ensures a very close-meshed coverage, which reliably even detects sedentary work with only little motion.
2. Optimised energy consumption
- The functions "Short-term presence for passage ways" and "Adaptive time delay" optimise the energy savings and thus significantly reduce energy consumption.
- The light can be controlled fully automatically via the detector, depending on the individually desired setting. Or semi-automatically: Here, the light can be switched on via the light switch. Switching off is done by the presence detector.
3. Greater comfort and flexibility
- With the presence detectors thePrema and theRonda, the most important settings, such as "time delay" and "brightness threshold" can be changed during operation via KNX objects.
- With the KNX visualisation theServa, parameters with an input object can be changed any time without ETS.
- Failures of the EBs or lamps can be displayed in the KNX visualisation theServa.
Products for lighting control with KNX and DALI
| Presence detector thePrema P KNX:Has everything under controlA 360° detection area of 10 x 10 metres, an adaptive 3 channel mixed light measurement, and 3 light channels – are only a few features which make thePrema P KNX the ideal presence detector for KNX building automation. The detector shows its brilliance if it does not only control the lighting, but also heating, ventilation and air conditioning via its two separate presence channels. |
| Presence detector theRonda P KNX:Draws everyone into its circletheRonda P KNX is an excellent addition to thePrema P KNX. Especially, if not only classrooms, but other large spaces, such as assembly halls, or the sports hall should be integrated into the KNX building automation. theRonda P KNX has a large, circular detection area of 24 m in diameter, and is suited for all applications with unusual room geometries, such as fan-shaped concert halls, or events halls. |
| DALI Gateway KNX:Joins light and automationThe DALI Gateway KNX combines the DALI protocol of digital lighting control with the building automation across rooms. It controls up to 64 operating units with DALI interface and assigns a DALI address to each DALI participant. The DALI participants can be combined in up to 16 groups of lights, and be controlled via KNX, individually or via scenes. Which lamps shine full of atmosphere at which brightness, or in which RGB colour, all this can be controlled via the DALI Gateway KNX. Technical data DALI Gateway KNX
| Push button interface TA 4 KNX:Intervention desiredIn some cases it makes sense to be able to manually intervene into an automatic lighting control. For instance, in order to permanently switch on or off the light at the blackboard in the classroom. The push button interface with 4 binary inputs provides the option of using conventional push buttons and switches. |
Directed light measurement
Thanks to its differently aligned light measurement, the presence detector thePrema P detects the solar radiation and controls the lighting group near the window independently of the lighting group in the interior of the room. Here you can learn more on the subject of constant lighting control and mixed light measurement.