Relux light planning software
More about Relux light planning software you can find on the webside of Relux: www.relux.com
Planning and installation: Correct installation of presence detectors
Those who want to position the light correctly right from the start will benefit from the Relux light simulation, which in general is free of charge. Relux offers professional planning software for development and
implementation of complex lighting control tasks. The software for planners, architects and light designers is based on lighting solutions from various manufacturers and is appreciated by its users around the globe. Since spring 2014, Theben is Relux member in the sensors product group.
Planning and installation: Correct installation of presence detectors
For optimum functioning of the presence detector and to avoid sources of interference, a few points have to be considered during installation:
- Everything inhibiting the sight of the presence detector must be avoided, such as suspended lamps, partitions, shelves or big plants.
- Sudden temperature changes in the surrounding of the presence detector 鈥 for instance caused by switching fan heaters or fans on or off 鈥 simulate movement.
- Lamps which are switched on or off in the vicinity of the detection area (e.g. halogen lamps at a distance of <1 m) simulate movement and can lead to incorrect switching.
- Moving objects, such as machines, robots etc. simulate motion signals or temperature differences.
- Slowly warming objects, such as heat radiators (lateral distance from lines and radiators > 0.5 m), IT equipment (computers, screens), sunny surfaces, or room ventilation systems do not disturb the function of the presence detector, as long as the warm air is not directly pointed at the presence detector.