press release weather station Meteodata 139 KNX
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Maximum energy efficiency from clear to cloudy: Theben Meteodata 139 KNX optimises light and climate control based on current weather forecasts
(Haigerloch, 12 August 2013) Theben AG presents the new Meteodata 139 KNX weather station for integration into the KNX building control system. This allows current weather forecasts to be used to minimise heating costs, heat radiation to be used more efficiently and solar protection to be controlled predictively.
While traditional weather stations react to the actual state of the weather by, for example, raising the solar protection when the wind is too strong, the new Theben Meteodata 139 KNX goes a step further: it almost offers a glimpse of the future and uses current weather forecasts to adjust the light and climate control in advance to upcoming weather conditions. This is made possible by the integrated weather forecast receiver, which receives data from a professional weather service on the likelihood of rain, precipitation amount, sunshine duration, wind strength and direction as well as temperature. For a quick overview, weather scenarios such as "cloudy", "rainy", "fine" or bad weather warnings will be received and displayed on the KNX display such as, for example, the VARIA 826 KNX.
Based on the weather data, the energy efficiency of the heating can be significantly increased and shading optimised. For example, the KNX building control system can be programmed in such a way that if sun is forecast, only the absolutely necessary amount of water will be heated in the morning using the central heating system. For the remaining heat needed, the solar energy system will be used later in the day. In summer, shades can be used in a targeted way to reduce rooms being heated up unnecessarily by solar radiation. In winter, by contrast, the shading will be minimised, in order to achieve the maximum heat yield through solar radiation. The weather forecasts of the Theben Meteodata 139 KNX also make it possible to react in a timely fashion when bad weather or storms are indicated, for example by retracting the automatic solar protection in the morning.
The forecast of the weather service is transmitted via longwave, in a way similar to the DCF time signal - each morning, before noon, in the afternoon and evening for the next three days. The weather data received will be prepared in the Meteodata 139 KNX and converted into KNX telegrams.
The new Theben Meteodata 139 KNX is ready for delivery immediately.
Short text/summary (622 characters)
The new Theben Meteodata 139 KNX uses current weather forecasts to adjust light and climate control in advance to upcoming weather conditions. Based on the weather data regarding the likelihood of rain, precipitation amount, sunshine duration, wind strength and direction as well as temperature, the KNX building control can be optimised in such a way that, for example, the heating costs for heating service water are reduced and solar systems can be used more efficiently. In addition, the solar protection used for shading can be lowered or raised in a timely fashion for heat gain or when there are warnings of bad weather.