Theben product catalogue for Flipboard app
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Theben presents new flip catalogues for Flipboard app on iPad & other tablet devices

(Haigerloch 2012-11-22) Theben presents five new catalogues optimised for the free Flipboard app on the iPad and other tablet devices. Customers can now easily browse through product groups and see which product is best suited for them and their application. The benefit: the representation is optimised for tablets and, unlike traditional print catalogues, the contents are always up to date and are more comprehensive.

Browse, look up, find out

Creating a Theben catalogue on your iPad is as easy as can be: simply copy the desired RSS feed into your Flipboard app. Done. Now browse through the product groups, just as with a catalogue. You can look to see which product is best suited to your and your customers and click through to our website for all additional information such as connection diagrams or operating manuals. The benefit: the representation is optimised for tablets and, unlike traditional print catalogues, the contents are always up to date and are significantly more comprehensive.


 In partnership with the IT service provider infolox based in Lindau, we have different topics for you and your customers according to your area of interest:


Of course these RSS feeds can also be imported and used in a completely traditional way in an email or browser program of your choice.
Additional information about Theben RSS feeds can be found here.


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