Temperature control with CO2 measurement
KNX in practice: Solution examples > KNX air quality control

Brochure on KNX home and building control

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ETS example 4: KNX room climate control with CO2 sensors


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KNX air quality control: fresh air helps students concentrate

No matter what you are doing you can concentrate properly when the air is stuffy. The right 
atmosphere is essential to study in. The AMUN 716 KNX air quality sensor enables just that.

The AMUN 716 KNX monitors the rooms temperature, humidity and CO2 levels. Once  it is configured 
it will automatically ensure the optimum air quality whilst keeping energy consumption to a minimum. That way everyone can benefit from clean air and a comfortable environment to work in.

KNX-Klimaregelung mit CO2-Messung


A KNX installation only makes real sense if it is used for building automation across rooms. For instance, for temperature control in six classrooms. Theben's solution consists of a 
weather forecast receiver, a time switch, as well as heating actuators and room air sensors.

Meteodata 139 KNX provides reliable weather forecasts for the next three days. These data are fed into the KNX bus in 6 hour blocks via telegram. In the classrooms, the CO2 
sensor AMUN 716 KNX measures the room temperature, the relative humidity, as well as the CO2 content of the air. The heating actuator controls the heating in accordance with 
indoor and outdoor temperature.

Under mild weather conditions, the system changes to summer mode, and lowers the energy consumption. If a window is opened, the frost protection mode is started. Comfort mode is activated by pressing the presence button. In each situation, the students inside the 
classrooms enjoy constantly pleasant temperatures. Additionally, the room sensor indicates the air quality via CO2 measurement, and when it is time to air the room again. The heating control can be controlled via multifunction display VARIA 826 S KNX, or theServa. The system can be extended to up to twelve rooms.





Benefits at a glance

1. Less devices, less installation effort

  • The HMG 6 T KNX heating actuator features an independent and fully-fledged room thermostat for each channel. The room temperature is transmitted by the corresponding CO2 sensor AMUN 716 KNX from the individual rooms to the heating actuator. This reduces equipment costs, since a separate room thermostat is not needed for each room.

2. Controlling sun protection with foresight, optimising energy consumption

  • By taking the weather forecast of Meteodata 139 KNX* into account, an overheating of rooms due to solar radiation can be avoided, by a foresightful use of the shades. Inversely, a solar heat gain can be achieved by moving the hangings up early in these rooms.
  •  Also the energy demand for domestic hot water can be optimised by using weather forecasts.





Products for climate control

KNX-Heizungsaktor HMG 6 T KNX




Heating actuator HMG 6 T KNX:

variably controls heat and cold

This MIX2 base module has integrated heating controllers for 
controlling six thermal actuators. It is expandable by up to two 
extension modules to up to 18 channels. The control of the 
actuators is done via silent and wear resistant Triac semiconductor switches. Continuous or switching actuating values are selectable. Temperature control is done in accordance with the indoor and 
outdoor temperature, according to the comfort, night, frost or 
heating protection modes. If you do not only control the heating: 
It can be combined with all extension modules of the MIX2 series.

Technical data heating actuator HMG 6 T KNX 

KNX-Wetterprognose-Empfaenger Meteodata 139 KNX




Weather forecast receiver Meteodata 139 KNX*:

predicts what the weather will be like

Der Wetterprognose-Empfänger trägt maßgeblich dazu bei, Heizungskosten zu minimieren, Sonnenschein und Wärme effektiv zu nutzen und Sonnenschutz vorausschauend zu steuern. Über Langwelle erhält er ­lizensierte Wetterprognosen von HKW für die nächsten drei Tage. So ist Meteodata 139 KNX* in der Lage anzugeben, ob das Wetter „schön“, ­„bewölkt“, „regnerisch“ oder „stürmisch“ wird. Per Telegramm liefert der Empfänger die Daten an die jeweiligen KNX-Aktoren, die – je nach Wetter – Jalousien, Licht oder wie in diesem Fall die Heizung entsprechend vorausschauend regeln. 

The weather forecast receiver considerably contributes to minimise heating costs, to use sunshine and heat effectively, and to control 
the sun protection with foresight. From HKW, it receives licenced 
weather forecasts for the next three days via long wave. In this way, Meteodata 139 KNX* can tell whether the weather will be "fine", "cloudy", "rainy", or "stormy". Via telegram, the receiver sends the data to the corresponding KNX actuators, which – depending on the weather – control blinds, lighting, or, as in this case, the heating with foresight.

*This service is not available in all European countries. Find out more at www.efr.de/en

Technical data weather forecast receiver Meteodata 139 KNX

CO2-Sensor AMUN 716 KNX




Room air sensor AMUN 716 KNX:

exactly detects air quality, exactly

The CO2 room air sensor monitors the air quality, and signals or 
responds appropriately to critical room conditions. It has three independent, configurable thresholds for CO2 concentration, humidity, and for temperature. If a threshold is exceeded or fallen below, the device shows the respective state or sends a signal to the heating actuator. The AMUN 716 KNX is supplied by the bus voltage. A power supply is not necessary.

Technical data room air sensor AMUN 716 KNX


Time switch TR 648 top2 RC KNX:

switches correctly, automatically

The digital time switch has GPS positioning, as well as a yearly and Astro program for automatic calculation of sunrise and sunset times over the entire course of the year. Summer/winter change over, 
holiday – no problem: This time switch has everything under control with its numerous yearly functions, and it synchronises itself with the other bus sharing units around the clock. So the right things happen always at exactly the right time.

Technical data time switch TR 648 top2 KNX 





Consideration: CO2 concentration and its effects



The AMUN 716 KNX CO2 room air sensor also measures air humidity and temperature, apart from the CO2 concentration in the range 
of 0–9999 ppm.