KNX visualisation theServa from Theben
The KNX product range in detail > KNX visualisation theServa

theServa App

The theServa App is available for Apple and Android:





theServa KNX visualisation brochure

theServa KNX-Visualisierung Broschüre

All advantages and functions of theServa, the new KNX visualisation from Theben, you will find here as a PDF download:

Brochure on KNX home and building control

KNX Broschüre als PDF downloaden

On nearly 90 pages, you will find practical solution examples around KNX home and building control that are worth knowing.

KNX-Brochure_web ( 6.53 MB )

Fast, convenient and easy to install: KNX visualisation theServa from Theben

theServa – this is a hard and software package, which lets you experience KNX building system technology. It consists of a mini server, configuration software, and mobile apps for all common mobile end devices. With theServa, installers can offer their customers lots of comfort with little effort.

Child's play! KNX can be that simple


Whoever opts for KNX home and building automation also wants to operate it and configure it easily. theServa KNX makes that possible. From the living room, you can control the blinds in the bedroom, regulate the room temperature, or adjust the settings of the motion 
detector at the front of the house – without standing up, without effort. Of course, not only 
from the sofa, but from anywhere.
theServa consists of a fanless mini server for continuous operation and a high performance software. KNX building automation, which is intuitive to operate, is designed for private 
homes as well as smaller to medium-sized functional buildings. This allows everything to 
be visualised – from lighting, roller blinds, room temperatures and energy consumption. Configuration is as simple as could be with easy-to-understand icons, to which the particular rooms and functions are assigned. Windows 7 or a later version is a prerequisite. Those who want to keep everything in view can even integrate their IP cameras into theServa.
It couldn't be easier or faster. This is because the graphics are stored fully on the clients smart device: whether tablet, smartphone, touch screen or laptop/PC. This reduces loading times and ensures real-time response rates. Try it out – for example with the huge number of possible RGB light scenarios, which can be used to create any desired mood.




The attractive KNX visualisation for users

This is how it works: The installer installs theServa mini server and configures the settings of the users, e.g. the operator or the home owner, and downloads the corresponding free iOS or Android app'. After registration at the server, data transmission is carried out. As only KNX group addresses, logic connections and time switches are saved on the server and no graphics are transferred from it, data appear on the smartphone practically in real time. Even new settings work without any noticeable delay. Configuration is simple, and it is based on a number of factory settings, which can be easily understood by the user via intuitive operating controls.


Piktogramm: Szenzenfunktionen bei KNX-Dimmaktor

Individual scenes

By the press of a button, a scene triggers several commands, such as individual brightness values of certain lamps, combined with a specific position of the blinds. The "Scene" object can be freely positioned on the graphic interface, just as any other object. With the "Record" function, individual commands will be saved on the server and can be directly called up via the icon switch or a KNX group address. Each scene can be called up by means of the time program. 
If desired, even the end user can create and change scenes.

Logikfunktionen und Berechnungen theServa Piktogramm

Logic functions and calculations

Comprehensive logic functions an calculation options make theServa 
a universal tool. By using them, the installer can solve many problems 
in a project and fulfil specific customer requirements. Solar position 
calculation for instance can be used to control blinds and other shades more precisely than a mere time function. Adjusting the outdoor lighting to sunrise and sunset is also possible. Apart from standard logic functions, such as AND, OR, XOR, theServa features various filter and converter functions. Even complex mathematical calculations are possible.

Schnelle Seitengestatlung Piktogramm

Page layout

Page layout with theServa is child's play: floor plans are added, symbols are placed, and the first pages are created quickly and 
intuitively. This does not only shorten installation time, but programming costs can be reduced 
as well.

Wetterprognose Piktogramm

Weather forecast

Although weather forecasts can be obtained from the Internet, it is 
difficult to integrate them in the KNX installation. It is easier to connect the weather forecast receiver Meteodata 139 KNX from Theben with theServa. The station provides forecasts for the following three days at 6 hour 
intervals (wind speed, air temperature, sunshine duration, rain probability etc.) by using only seven group addresses. By using these data, 
heating and shade can be controlled with foresight. In this way, unoccupied rooms can be shaded in summer, in order to protect them from being heated too much by the sun.

Diagramme anzeigen Piktogramm


With this function, KNX analogue values, such as temperature, wind, or power consumption can be 
recorded and then evaluated in 
a table or chart.



theServa – Functions at a glance

Along with simple configuration, theServa features a number of pre-programmed functions, with which the installer can provide a lot of comfort to his customers without much effort. The simple RGB lighting control has 
already been mentioned. Operating controls for shades, or heating/cooling with individual zones are of course also provided. A convenient weekly timer, which can be set by rotary knob and copying function, is integrated as well. However, a few functions should be pointed out separately.