KNX actuators, KNX presence detectors, KNX visualisation
The KNX product range in detail

Brochure on KNX home and building control

KNX Broschüre als PDF downloaden

On nearly 90 pages, you will find practical solution examples around KNX home and building control that are worth knowing.

KNX-Brochure_web ( 6.53 MB )

theServa App

The theServa App is available for Apple and Android:





Solutions brochure for presence detectors and motion detectors

Download Präsenzmelder und Bewegungsmelder-Broschüre

On almost 80 pages, the Theben solutions brochure presents a selection of the most common applications of presence and motion detectors.

theServa KNX visualisation brochure

theServa KNX-Visualisierung Broschüre

All advantages and functions of theServa, the new KNX visualisation from Theben, you will find here as a PDF download:

KNX actuators, presence and motion detectors, weather stations, and more

The KNX system consists of actuators, sensors and various additional devices, such as operating controls, system devices, as well as receivers of time and weather data. On the following pages, we would like to present some of these products. Discover presence and motion detectors, brightness and CO2 sensors, as well as weather stations as fine sensors. On the actuators page, we will also show you binary inputs, apart from the switching, blinds, heating and dimming actuators.

KNX actuators of the MIX2 series from Theben: Complete, flexible, expandable

Switching, dimming, controlling, 
regulating and also saving space in 
the distributor – not to mention 
time and money: The KNX MIX2 series from Theben makes it possible.

KNX MIX2 actuators from Theben

Made for the larger: KNX FIX2 actuators for the project business

Those who like it compact and can go without flexibility will find the FIX2 simple actuators to be the perfect alternative for the MIX2 actuators. Moreover, an affordable one. For example, the switching/blinds actuator RM 16 T KNX with 16 relays can control mixed lights and blinds and is perfectly suited for use in property construction: for instance in office buildings, public buildings, educational facilities or hotels. Wherever lighting and sun protection control are required in one room.

KNX FIX2 actuators for functional buildings

Dimming LEDs in harmony: Today and in the future

Light elements such as LEDs, halogen and energy saving lamps can be dimmed steplessly with the proven KNX universal dimmer actuators of the MIX2 series from Theben. Optimised dimming curves provide – according to the particular lamp – a harmonious, stepless dimming response.

KNX dimmer actuators from Theben

Fast, convenient and easy to install: KNX visualisation theServa from Theben

theServa – this is a hard and software package, which lets you experience KNX building system technology. It consists of a mini server, configuration software, and mobile apps for all common mobile end devices. With theServa, installers can offer their customers lots of comfort with little effort.

KNX visualisation theServa

KNX motion detectors for indoor use: theMova KNX

It does not always have to be a presence detector. The indoor motion detectors from ThebenHTS are ideal for all situations in which moving persons must be securely detected, for example in staircases, entrance halls, garages, basements or toilets. theMova is outstandingly well suited for this spectrum of applications.

KNX motion detector theMova KNX

KNX motion detector for outdoor use: theLuxa P KNX

Comfort and safety – two aspects a KNX motion detector must cover. Nothing accomplishes these tasks better than theLuxa P300 KNX. Integrated in the KNX building system 
technology, it exactly detects, when and who it should guide the way.

KNX motion detector theLuxa P KNX

KNX weather forecast receiver Meteodata 139 KNX: Tomorrow's weather

Meteodata 139 KNX* receives the upcoming weather three days in advance. The receiver obtains the licensed weather forecasts from HKW via longwave – reliable data on temperature, hours of sunlight, probability of rain, and wind speed.

*This service is not available in all European countries. Find out more at

KNX weather forecast receiver Meteodata 139 KNX

KNX weather station Meteodata 140 S KNX

This weather station is a true all-rounder. It is transparent, compact in design, and optimally suited for glare protection: It automatically calculates the position of the sun and the sunlight incidence angle, and it detects wind, rain, brightness, and temperature. It provides
all data necessary for the fully automatic control of blinds and sun protection of up to eight facades. Including sun position tracking.

KNX weather station Meteodata 140 S KNX