KNX motion detector theLuxa P KNX for outdoor use
The KNX product range in detail > KNX motion detector: theLuxa P KNX

Brochure on KNX home and building control

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On nearly 90 pages, you will find practical solution examples around KNX home and building control that are worth knowing.

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Solutions brochure for presence detectors and motion detectors

Download Präsenzmelder und Bewegungsmelder-Broschüre

On almost 80 pages, the Theben solutions brochure presents a selection of the most common applications of presence and motion detectors.

KNX motion detector for outdoor use: theLuxa P KNX

Comfort and safety – two aspects a KNX motion detector must cover. Nothing accomplishes these tasks better than theLuxa P300 KNX. Integrated in the KNX building system 
technology, it exactly detects, when and who it should guide the way.

theLuxa P300 KNX


Especially in larger areas, it is about detecting and automatically responding to streams of movements which have to be expected. For instance of employees, who enter the company premises in the early morning, and often leave late in the evening. Or employees and visitors of hotels, hospitals and administrative buildings. In all these cases, it is about the required control, but also a predictive lighting of entrance halls, access routes and connecting passages.
theLuxa P300 KNX (protection class IP 55) 
is available in white or black, and can be 
installed at the wall or ceiling, thanks to 
its swivelling sensor head. With a 300° 
detection area of up to 16 m, and creep under protection, theLuxa P300 KNX does not miss anything. Via the ETS, the motion detector can be easily integrated into the building automation, and it is easy to configure. Brightness thresholds, duty cycle, and 
sensitivity can easily be configured via 
the KNX visualisation theServa S110 KNX.


Bewegungsmelder theLuxa P von Theben für die Wand- und Deckenmontage


More flexible: ceiling and wall mounting

Thanks to its swivelling sensor head, thLuxa P300 KNX
is also suited for ceiling installation. The motion 
detector and its included accessories (corner bracket, spacer frame) are available in white and in black.




Detecting everything in a wide range: 

Various functions with numerous advantages

Umfassende Bewegungskanäle Piktogramm

Comprehensive motion channels

The four motion detector channels can be linked in a time-
dependent manner for various lighting applications, such as switching or dimming, for instance as an orientation light. Functions, such as short-time presence, master/slave, fully automatic/semi-automatic device and two switchable time delays can be configured via ETS.

Flexible Universalkanäle Piktorgramm

Flexible universal channels

The four universal channels respond, independent of movement, to temperature and/or brightness, and can thus be used as a twilight switch, for instance.

Unabhängige Logikkanäle Piktogramm

Independent logic channels

The "AND", "OR", and "XOR" operations of the four independent logic channels respond to current bus events. As initial object, switch commands, or percentage values can be sent, for example.

Vielfältiges Szenenfunktionen Piktogramm

Various scene functions

theLuxa P300 KNX is an enrichment to any scene. The motion channel can be incorporated into scenes in a most versatile way: "locking", "permanent ON", "brightness threshold", and "change over time delay".

Präzise Zeitschaltuhren Piktogramm

Precise time switch function

Functions, such as "locking", "permanent ON", "brightness threshold", and "change over time delay" can be called up in a time-dependent manner via the integrated time switch 
function with a simple weekly program.

Integrierte Temperaturmessung Piktogramm

Integrated temperature measurement

theLuxa P300 KNX has an integrated temperature sensor, which can be used for temperature-dependent operations.

Sensibler Helligkeitssensor Piktogramm

Sensitive brightness sensor

The motion detector has an 
integrated brightness sensor, which can be used as a twilight switch.

Komfortable Fernbedienung

Easy to use remote control

theLuxa P300 KNX supports 
remote operation. 2 scenes and numerous settings can be easily made from the ground. This is faster, shortens the installation time and lowers costs. And, it is safer.

Clevere Tech-In Funktion

Clever teach-in function

Lighting conditions change quickly - it is good if you can simply save them when they are exactly how you want them to be. With the clever teach-in function, the current lux value can be permanently saved.