KNX motion detectors for indoor use: theMova KNX
The KNX product range in detail > KNX motion detectors: theMova S and P KNX

Brochure on KNX home and building control

KNX Broschüre als PDF downloaden

On nearly 90 pages, you will find practical solution examples around KNX home and building control that are worth knowing.

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Solutions brochure for presence detectors and motion detectors

Download Präsenzmelder und Bewegungsmelder-Broschüre

On almost 80 pages, the Theben solutions brochure presents a selection of the most common applications of presence and motion detectors.

KNX motion detectors for indoor use: theMova KNX

It does not always have to be a presence detector. The indoor motion detectors from ThebenHTS are ideal for all situations in which moving persons must be securely detected, for example in staircases, entrance halls, garages, basements or toilets. theMova is outstandingly well suited for this spectrum of applications.

theMova is good – and attractive: With its round, droplet-shaped design, the indoor motion detector nestles into the ceiling 
with unobtrusive elegance, setting a tone without forcing its way into the foreground. theMova is available in a Standard, and in a Performance line. The smaller standard versions are intended for surface-mount or ceiling installation. 
The somewhat larger theMova Performance is intended for flush-mounting. theMova P is suited for surface mounting with an  optional surface-mount frame. While the standard version is intended for rooms with a height of three and a half metres, 
theMova Performance exhibits its qualities with its incredible detection area of 24 m 
in diameter even in taller rooms.

theMova S und P KNX - Produktbild


Higher and wider.

theMova P KNX detects walking movements from a height of up to 10 metres. This makes it the optimum motion detector for tall rooms, such as lounges, entrance areas, and warehouses (which also applies to thePrema P KNX and theRonda P KNX). With its giant detection area (24 m in diameter), theMova P KNX covers an area of 452 m2.


24m Erfassungsbereich KNX-Bewegungsmelder




Smaller, bigger, KNX compatible: Advantages at a glance

Hohe Montagehöhe Piktogramm

High installation height

Motion detectors in entrance halls or warehouses must reliably detect movements from a great height. The innovative 
optics ensure that the motion detector does not miss anything from an installation height of 
up to 10 m.

Komfortable Fernbedienung

Easy to use remote control

With a remote control, settings can be easily made and changed from the ground. This is faster, shortens the installation time and lowers costs. And, it is safer.

Erhellende Kurzzeitpräsenz

Illuminating short stays

In the event of a short stay, the light is only on for two minutes. Since motion detectors "detect", whether and how long someone is in the room. This means that whoever enters the room for a short period of time does not automatically trigger the time delay that has been set and still does not have to go without light.

Einstellbare Empfindlichkeit

Configurable sensitivity

How sensitively motion detectors react to movements inside the room, is entirely up to you. The PIR sensors can be conveniently set using the remote control – according to the individual requirements of the users.

Clevere Tech-In Funktion

Clever teach-in function

Lighting conditions change quickly – it is good if you can simply save them when they are exactly how you want them to be. With the clever teach-in function, the current lux value can be permanently saved. Without specialist knowledge. By the end user. It couldn't be easier.

Schutzart IP55

Suitable for damp rooms

Motion detectors with protection class IP 54 can also be used in damp rooms such as showers, changing rooms or toilets.

Intelligente Parallelschaltung

Intelligent parallel switching

Motion detectors allow for more than just increasing the detection area via master/slave switchings. Via master-master parallel switchings, the lighting conditions can be set in the detection area of individual devices independently, and thus individually. This is an advantage if, for instance, in open-plan offices, different lighting conditions are to be balanced between areas close to windows and the room's interior.