Dimming LEDs steplessly: Theben dimming actuator DMG 2 T KNX
The KNX product range in detail > Dimming LEDs in harmony



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Dimming LEDs in harmony: Today and in the future

Light elements such as LEDs, halogen and energy saving lamps can be dimmed steplessly with the proven KNX universal dimmer actuators of the MIX2 series from Theben. Optimised dimming curves provide – according to the particular lamp – a harmonious, stepless dimming response.

KNX-Dimmaktor DMG 2 T KNX
Piktogramm: KNX-Dimmkurven nachladen

Optimised dimming curves

In the KNX programming software ETS, various dimming curves are stored, which correct the dimming response appropriately depending on
the lamp used, thus ensuring stepless dimming.

Piktorgramm: Dimmkurven nachladen

Updatable: Reloading dimming curves

New dimming curves – e.g. for future lamps – can be imported via ETS, thus ensuring your investments are well-protected.

Piktogramm: Szenzenfunktionen bei KNX-Dimmaktor

Versatile Scene function

The DMG 2 T KNX – similar 
to the RMG 8 S KNX switching actuator – can be used to save different scene functions.

Piktogramm: KNX-Dimmaktor Inbetrieb nehmen

Fast start-up

Quick function tests for start-up are possible via 4 buttons 
(25 %, 50 %, 75 %, and 100 %) even without bus connection. The bus module can be attached later.


Technical information about KNX dimmer actuator: