Which detector for which application?
Correctly selecting motion detectors

Correctly selecting motion detectors: Which detector for which application?

Whether for your private home or in a commercial functional building - Theben offers the optimum motion detector for any application. With or without LED spotlight. Simple to install and easy to operate. Each of these motion detectors contributes to saving energy as well as increasing comfort and safety. Which motion detector is best suited for your application, you can find on the following pages.

Motion detectors for gateways, terraces and terraced house

The light at the front door should automatically be switched on, as soon as someone leaves the house or enters the property. The lighting of the adjoining properties should not be affected by this.

Motion detectors for front doors

Illuminate front doors, gateways and terraces of single-family houses with motion detectors

Lighting for front door, terrace and gateway of a single-family house should be motion-dependent.

Motion detectors for terraces of single-family houses

Motion detectors illuminate basement stairs safely and reliably

Dark basement stairs without windows and daylight is to be illuminated safely.

Basement stairs

Motion detectors for gateways and carports

Motion-dependent lighting of a gateway with carport is required. The light should illuminate the gateway as well as the carport, in order to ensure safe entering and exiting of the car.

Gateways and carports

Motion detectors for lighting of underground garages and car parks

The lighting in a underground garage should be switched on motion-dependent, as soon as a person enters the underground garage through the staircase or when a car comes in.

Garages and garage entrances

Motion detectors for garden and outdoor installation

The motion-dependent illumination of the extensive park at a hotel with main building, dining room and several apartments is required.

Solutions for garden and out-door installation

Outside motion detector for factory halls and warehouses with parking place

Motion dependent lighting of the outside facilities of a production plant with loading ramps and parking areas is required – also for safety reasons.

Outside facilities of functional buildings for factory halls and warehouses with parking place