Solutions for front doors, gateways and terraces of single-family houses
Correctly selecting motion detectors > Single-family house

Illuminate front doors, gateways and terraces of single-family houses with motion detectors

Lighting for front door, terrace and gateway of a single-family house should be motion-dependent.





We recommend:

Apart form the above mentioned theLuxa S150/S180 for motion-dependent control of an already installed exterior lamp, we recommend theLuxa S360, which can cover two facades at the same time:

  • Corner and/or ceiling installation possible (only theLuxa S360)
  • creep under protection
  • Time delay and lux value can easily be set
  • Technical data theLuxa S360



Bewegungsmelder theLuxa S360



If no exterior lamp is present, we recommend LUXA 102-140 LED 16 W:

