Thebens is celebrating “20 years of presence detectors. The original – from ThebenHTS.”
(Haigerloch22/05/2012) In the 1990s the presence detector was invented at the Theben-Laboratory for „High Technology Systems“. Today, 20 years later, the presence detector technology has become indispensable and has assued itself a permanent place in the field of energy-efficient building control. It also superiour in terms of delivering comfort, safety and reliability in modern lighting control.
ThebenHTS Presence detectors. The Original.
By choosing a ThebenHTS presence detector you select the “Original” presence detector. ThebenHTS presence detectors have stood for reliable and high-quality light control for 20 years. They show their full value with complex requirements such as different lighting conditions or narrow and winding detection areas. Since then, Theben has worked flat out to maximise areas of application, ease of use and efficiency. Capabilities, ease of use, light measurement and efficiency have been continuously developed and optimized. Equally innovative are special solutions such as the compact passimo model for warehouse aisles. ThebenHTS detectors are not only functional but also clearly a leader in terms of design: The first flush-mounted PlanoCentro presence detector received the “iF product design award 2010” for high-quality design. This is definitely not the final chapter in the success story of the ThebenHTS presence detector...
The anniversary “20 years of presence detector” is communicated and celebrated through various media. In addition to a square booklet with reference projects and advertisements in magazines, the microsite www.presence-detector.com is the major component of the campaign. On this website we present new products, reference projects and many detailed informations on presence detectors.
Why presence detectors? A technology and its benefits.
Both motion and presence detectors detect human beings based on their body heat, albeit to a different technological quality and are thereby intended for different applications. Motion detectors were originally developed more for outside applications and are neither equipped with active light measurement nor are they highly-sensitive to slight movements. In contrast to presence detectors that react to the slightest changes and detect people when they are seated or stationary. In addition to lighting, heating and ventilation can also be controlled depending on presence. That saves energy! An additional decisive factor is intelligent light measurement, which always identifies the level of daylight availible.
Intelligent lighting control with presence detectors from ThebenHTS.
In addition to traditional uses for lighting control in offices, corridors and public buildings, our presence detectors are capable of much more:
- They can control the lighting completely in an energy efficient manner: Presence detectors react to the slightest movements. They also constantly measure room brightness. If no more movement is detected, or a set brightness value is exceeded, the presence detector automatically switches off the light.
- They control the lighting completely to provide comfortable conditions: Presence detectors provide countless possibilities of individual lighting control such as calling up different light scenes or adjustment to individual user requirements.
- They control the lighting reliable: The “orientation light” function provides an increased feeling of security in hotel corridors, hospitals and care homes.
Square detection area of 360º.
As most rooms are square or rectangular, a square detection area simplifies planning enormously. The detection areas of the individual presence detectors mean that they can be lined up next to each other with no gaps. In addition to simplified planning, there is another practical benefit: There are no blind spots or overlaps in the room and movements are guaranteed to be reliably detected everywhere.
Light measurement: Mixed light measurement and constant light control.
Lighting control using presence detectors is based partly on registered movement and partly on light measurement. Presence detectors permanently measure the brightness in the room. Through such permanent light measurement the presence detector is in a position not only to switch on artificial light when there is not enough daylight, but also to switch off lighting again when there is sufficient daylight. It sounds very easy, in fact the presence detector must be able to assess, when artificial light is switched on, whether after switching off there is enough daylight. There are two methods:
Mixed light measurement. Presence detectors measure the sum of artificial lighting and daylight. The presence detector must know the proportion of artificial light to be able to switch off the artificial light at the right moment when there is increasing daylight. This value can be learned by the detector auto matically by constantly analysing the lighting switching processes in the room. This enables it to calculate the current daylight intensity at any time from the total measured brightness.
Constant light control. When measuring mixed light the presence detector measures the total daylight and artificial light. It adjusts the desired brightness value from these two light sources. On a misty or rainy morning the available daylight is less and the proportion of artificial light is selected to be higher by the presence detector to reach the desired brightness level in the room. If the sun breaks through over the course of the morning, the presence detector reduces the proportion of artificial light. The brightness level in the room therefore remains constant, regardless of the amount of natural daylight.
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